Recipe Development


We will take your home made product and develop a recipe ready for bulk production. We will support you through all the necessary steps including labelling requirements, bar coding, allergens, best before dates, QR codes, packaging information and more!

Our team of food technicians, scientists, chefs and industry professionals will help with this process by:

Testing for viability - firstly and most importantly we will ensure your concept is viable

Building a commercial recipe - this process is a scientific one and requires time and attention. Our team will support you through the entire process 

Honouring your concept and vision - We will work hard to combine all the above while keeping in touch with your philosophy - whether its the provenance ingredient, a statement you'd like to make or a market you'd like to sell to

Testing - We will recipe test and adjust until we get it right. We can also organise a panel of taste testers to give detailed reports of the product itself